Planned Giving

Evelyn Foy Moorefield


  • Kappa Alpha-Florida State
  • 1999 Order of the Emerald recipient
  • Dorothea Cavin Society member
  • Former national director of pledge education and province president
  • Member of the St. Petersburg, Florida, alumnae chapter
  • “Convention Hound,” attending 28 conventions
  • Legacy of an Alpha Psi-Drury

Evelyn Foy MoorefieldHow far back do your Kappa Delta memories go?
I grew up with Kappa Delta! My mother, Evelyn Maudlin Foy, was a 1932 initiate of Alpha Psi-Drury, and she would sing me KD songs instead of nursery rhymes.

Did you and your mother share many KD moments?
One of my most memorable times as a collegian was when my mother drove through ice and snow to surprise me at my Initiation. We also went to several conventions together, and then she stayed back to watch my children so I could continue to go.

How many conventions have you been to? Is there one that sticks out among the rest?
I have been to 28 conventions and loved every one! At my first convention, I was the page for Minnie Mae Prescott (former National Panhellenic Conference delegate and a 1931 initiate of Alpha Psi-Drury); and one of our founders, Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, was there, so that was very exciting.

What keeps you coming back year after year?
There is a sisterhood and a love you see. We continue to have bright young women and caring alumnae. I meet so many sisters outside of my own chapter, and their encouragement inspires me to stay involved. At the 1965 Chicago convention I received a note asking if I would meet with (National President) Genevieve Forbes Morse, and I thought “What have I done?” I went to her room and she asked me if I would serve as province alumnae officer, so of course I said yes!

You have given a lot of your time to Kappa Delta over the years; why do you feel it is also important to support the Kappa Delta Foundation?
I believe in the foundation and that it is important for everybody to give. I think it’s important to start at an early age for young people. Even if it’s $10, it’s very important to start. We should give back to causes we believe in and organizations we belong to.

If you could give one piece of advice to our sisters today, what would it be?
Cherish your Kappa Delta friendships! I travel with my KD friends all over the country. I have non-KD friends who don’t understand where I met these women who didn’t go to school with me and how am I such good friends with them. That’s what Kappa Delta sisterhood is; we can pick right up where we left off.


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